The People’s Harm Reduction Alliance is a peer-led, community-integrated nonprofit that has provided culturally relevant drug user health and harm reduction services since 2007. We focus on protecting the health of people who use drugs, stopping the spread of bloodborne infections, and preventing drug overdose. We provide a wide variety of other supplies, services, and referrals to help people who use drugs lead safer and healthier lives.
PHRA is passionate about empowering people who use drugs to live their own best possible lives – however they envision and define that, and on their own terms. We have always been a peer-centered program that knows that people who use drugs are the experts when it comes to what they need. Every day for nearly 18 years, we have supported folks on their individual paths to stability, independence, and wellbeing. We choose to humanize people who use drugs by treating them with love and support, not anger and condescension. People who use drugs are better served by compassion and respect than by criticism and punishment.